Film as dream, film as music. No form of art goes beyond ordinary
consciousness as film does, straight to our emotions, deep into the twilight
room of the soul. A little twitch in our optic nerve, a shock effect: twenty-four
illuminated frames a second, darkness in between (…)
― Ingmar Bergman, The magic lantern

Organized by

Supported by

Camera Commercio Genova
Coop Liguria
comune di genova
Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo
Genova more than this
Fondazione Carige
convention bureau Genova
La mia Liguria
regione liguria

Technical partner

MaGestic Film - Produzione e post produzione video, DCP, Color correction, sottotitolazione, encoding

In collaboration with

Centro Culturale Primo Levi
Mattador Premio Internazionale per la sceneggiatura
Palazzo ducale Genova
Paris experimental

Sustainable mobility partner

elettra car sharing genova